Co-Heir, come ready to celebrate another year of life with me by digging in the Word!
I hope you are ready to dive deeper into your relationship with God with the community by your side! Our first in-person “Study With Me” Remember Me session is on Thursday, August 24, 2023, from 7 p.m. to 9 p.m.! As you seek your truth, know that God has already sought you. I believe that is why you are here. This journey has everything to do with your commitment to the Lord.
I encourage you all as you register to be in preparation to give God your all and watch Him make your impossible possible. Petition God for whatever, and expect it in your waiting season.
Today is only a seed planted for the bearing of your fruit. Appreciate that seed, nurture that seed, protect that seed, and pray for that seed. I can’t wait to see your fruit!