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3 steps to redirect your life by changing your mind.

by J.Renee
4 minutes read
J.Renee wearing Bougie? Nah looking right

I needed a change

Young and foolish—have you been there, or is it that you are in this condition now?  Speaking for myself, I was once there.  I lived in the moments of time without a concrete plan for my future caught up in the excitement of a fast life going no where.  There I was “dating” what I desired to mold into my Mr. Forever.  As you can see I put quotes around dating, because dating someone requires both parties to be in agreement.  Dating requires a commitment on both ends for it be a real relationship.  I was the only one with the intention of assessing his suitability as a prospective partner in an intimate relationship with the hopes of marriage; spoiler alert it never lasted.

I was young and foolish to think any of those boys would come into my life and love me when I, being in the condition I was, was unsure of how to love myself.  I was uncertain of what I desired out of life.  I knew I wanted to be successful, but in what I was not clear.  I knew I wanted love, but I didn’t know what love looked like.  You see, I failed in that area when it came to loving myself.  I was living for the day, and partying for the night, and yearning to escape the routine of familiarity.  Something had to change.

I had a condition

I had a condition, the state of something with regard to its appearance, quality, or working order.  From the outward presence I appeared to have things together.  Truth be told, the quality, the value, and the worth of my statue needed a brand new foundation.  The beautiful thing about a condition, is that it is contingent on your state of mind.  Your condition is not permanent, if you decide it’s only temporary.  

Here are 3 steps on how you can redirect your life by changing your mind.

STEP 1: Release

Allow or enable to escape from confinement; set free.

What are you holding on to that does not profit you any to keep it?  Whether it be a person, place, or thing—if it does not present a financial, emotional, spiritual, or physical gain in your life then it is time to release.  When there is no return on your investment, the difference in what is received and what is invested do not add value unto your life, it is time to release.    

“The root of suffering is attachment.” (Buddha). The longer you stay attached to chaos, confusion, and clutter the longer you will undergo suffering in your condition. As noted before, your condition is not permanent, if you decide it’s only temporary.  The release begins in the mind.  You have come to the conclusion that the routine of familiarity no longer fits your standards.   You have to have the desire to commence a return on your investments.  It is only then that you can acquiesce to the act of release.

STEP 2: Repair

fix or mend

When we escape the confinement of our minds and release those people, places, and things that did more harm than good unto us, we can not leave those areas of our lives empty.  If we do so, we leave ourselves susceptible to anything that presents itself.  Verbiage such as “I can’t, I will never have…” has to be transform to “I can and I will have…”.  Bad habits such as procrastination, and tardiness have to improve to right now and on time.

STEP 3: Rehabilitation

the action of restoring someone to health or normal life through training and therapy after

Victor Hugo, a French poet, quoted “Deliverance is not Liberation.”  You can be delivered from a bad habit, a bad relationship, a bad business move, and still not find liberty.  You might wonder how is that so?  I’ve released myself from that space of confinement.  I have repaired my broken thoughts with positive affirmations, but yet I’m still not free.  If you aren’t consistent in the rehabilitation stages, you will fall back into the routine of what use to be.

It’s not about what you were delivered from but more so delivered unto.  When you are constantly restoring yourself into a healthy space through the renewing of your mind your life will begin to reflect change. 

Starting today

Purchase a journal and begin to write daily.  Wake up earlier to pray and meditate.  Start choosing healthier eating options.  Begin doing more of something you are passionate about.  It’s time to redirect your life and change your lifestyle, starting first with your mindset. 

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