“How can I make a difference? What way can I give back to my community? How can I make sure One Heiress Lane connects with the community?” These were questions I had when I began brainstorming for my blog.
It’s one thing to speak about making changes and being a positive influence, but it’s another to actually take action and be the change.
My focal point for starting One Heiress Lane is to connect with Co-Heirs around the world who are finding their voices, and turing their passions into content, community, and commerce. One Heiress Lane is designed to be catalyst for Co-Heirs to Aspire. Become. and Connect with their purpose.
Supporting Her.
During my preparation time I came across the hashtag National Boss Day on October 16th. Light Bulb! That was it…I could support women all month long. This thought resonated into so much more. As it grew, my excitement rose. It would be great to feature some women in our great State who are successful Entrepreneurs. For me it is so inspirational to see women who are in “within arms reach” per se that are excelling in career paths that aspire me to strive for better.

Suddenly, it dawned on me…October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month. This was the icing on the cake. Not only would I showcase Boss Women excelling in their careers, but I will also showcase Strong Women gracefully battling or who have battled Breast Cancer.
The Struggle with Self-Promotion
Research has proven that many women struggle with self-promotion, self advocating and expressing their expertise. We have a tendency to downplay our part in the wins and achievements. Though we willingly and enthusiastically write nominations for other amazing women, we hesitate to do the same for ourselves.
Now typing, I am recognizing this struggle implies to myself. Read about my initial struggle here when it came to writing my about me page. My hope is to highlight any interesting parts of her personal life and entrepreneurial journey which may show adversity she may have had to overcome to gain her results.
Stay connected with One Heiress Lane by subscribing. By honoring these women, we hope to inspire them – and other women like them – to take their professional and personal lives to yet another level

You can help one woman in the Triad Area now by giving to our campaign! When you make a purchase, 50% of the proceeds will be given to a women battling Breast Cancer at the end of the Campaign (Now – October 31st).
Whether you know someone fighting with breast cancer or you simply care, show your support by wearing the “Her Battle, Our Fight” Graphic T-shirt to show your love and support for raising breast cancer awareness. This pink design represents bravery of cancer survivors and who battle with breast cancer. This “Her Battle, Our Fight” Graphic T-shirt says that they are not alone. They are strong. Wear your this breast cancer awareness Shirt to show that you care. Make a difference.
Your post with Jackie was beautiful! I have known Jackie for many years and recently saw a post from her on Facebook that she was surviving cancer. Thank you for getting her story out. Many Blessings
Thank you Charlene, it is great to have your here! When God gave me the idea I was ready to serve and become a platform for her story. I knew it would be such an inspiration for anyone irregardless to their situation.