Four must-haves that every CEO woman should have in her planner
You can’t be without doing. This is why every Boss Babe, CEO, Entrepreneur, Side Hustler, no matter the title you possess should always seek these four must-haves in her planner.
Still, looking for the perfect planner? I found one or shall I say I designed one ☺️. Check it out here. I believe in productivity, so I created a planner for Women who are about making their dreams—reality, their visions—attainable strategic goals, and their passions—profits.
There have been many times that I would start strong planning and then midway through the year, I’d go cold turkey. I realized my previous planners weren’t really helping me plan anything–it just happened to have dates and space. I found this quote earlier this week that read ”The desire to succeed means nothing without the will to prepare!”
What this says to me is ”faith without works is dead”! That’s Bible y’all. 😌 It’s ok to expect success in your life, but only if you prepare for it. Ok enough talking, let’s explore the 4 must-haves I look for my planner to have.
Planner Must-Have #1: Appointment Scheduler
Careful planning puts you ahead in the long run; hurry and scurry puts you further behind
Proverbs 21:5
It’s Purpose: Do not over-schedule your day. Keep in mind the realism of your day. When you lack realism this causes frustration and the desire to discard your plan. Designate certain days for focused investment and others for relaxation or inspiration. Prioritize what’s on your schedule, do not schedule your priorities. Your planning tool should be your servant, never your master. Your schedule should work for you. It should be tailored to your style, your needs, and your particular ways.

Planner Must-Have #2: Inspirational Quotes
Therefore encourage one another and build one another up, just as you are doing.
1 Thessalonians 5:11
It’s Purpose: When the journey becomes tedious, or the climb up the mountain becomes discouraging you will have constant reminders to continue moving forward.

Planner Must-Have #3: Goal-Setting
May he give you the desire of your heart and make all your plans succeed.
Psalm 20:4
It’s Purpose: If you want to really see your plans, dreams, and visions, all become a reality, you have to plan. Do not mistake success as something that just happens–success is when opportunity meets preparation. Having a space dedicated to writing your goals down is not enough, you need to be able to plan it.

Planner Must-Have #4: Reflection Pages
But grow in grace, and in the knowledge of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. To him be glory both now and for ever. Amen
2 Peter 3:18
It’s Purpose: God will not move you until you recognize where you are at. When we take the time to review our accomplishments, our setbacks, what we need to sacrifice, and what we should do more of we begin to grow exponentially. Goals begin to get crossed off your list, and when the New Year comes back around you can say you accomplished all that you set out to do. Reflection is key for growth

The scriptures above are simple principles we can all benefit from. Now I have space to plan and record my goals, my social and website stats, my physical, financial, and mental health, my upcoming blog post. Also, there’s space to reflect weekly, monthly, and yearly. No appointment will go missed and the personal mission statement in the front of my planner will always be a reminder to me why I continue to press!
Have you found the perfect planner for your lifestyle? If you are looking for a planner with all these must-haves click here to watch a flip through of my 2020 planner!
Did you buy my 2019 planner and are wondering what the difference is between the two? Click here to watch a comparison of my 2020 and 2019 planner!