Home BlogEntreprenHEIR 3 steps to getting out of your way!

3 steps to getting out of your way!

by J.Renee
2 mins 50 secs read
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I have been notorious for generating new ideas or starting a project, but–I hate admitting this, but Jesus did say the truth will set you free (John 8:33)–not following through to the end. My follow-through looks more like when the excitement fades, so does my energy; when I miss a day, finding the right moment to jump back seems challenging; when the tasks require more than I expected to give, I slowly back away and rethink my decisions.  

Sigh. Yep, that’s the truth behind who I was. All of that ended when I decided I owed myself the best me! I put my feelings aside and aligned my thoughts with my imagination. Just imagining how great you can be at something is not enough. I committed to going further. I needed to make the goal meaningful enough to stick to it.  

“Try and be willing to fail to find out if you can succeed. Just because you fail doesn’t make you a failure. The only thing that makes you a failure is if you quit! You are not a failure if you keep trying.”

Here are three steps I started to apply daily to get out of my way!

Step 1:

STOP thinking that you’re not ready!

START Embracing that you have everything you need!

If you constantly fill your mind with thoughts that counteract your progress, you will always be where you are. When Moses thought he was not qualified and felt inadequate for the job asked of him, God responded, “But I will be with you, and this shall be the sign for you, that I have sent you: when you have brought the people out of Egypt, you shall serve God on this mountain.” (Exodus 3:10-12) God provides provision for us to surpass our problems. The resources are already available to us. God planned to move Moses into a position of impact, and He seeks to do the same for us. We do not need to fear the unknown, that which has not happened. Embrace the plan. God has taken measures beforehand to provide your uprising need or manage your contingency.

Step 2

STOP waiting to know everything before you get started.

START trusting in your God-given abilities.

“It’s not the movement of the clock that produces newness of life; it is the movement of your mind.”

This step is pretty self-explanatory. Co-Heir, you don’t have to know the ins and outs of a thing before taking the first step. You will learn as you grow. Trust in your ability to perform, but give God the space to create along the way. With how-to’s and information at our fingertips, we can get lost out there chasing the wind. Your best teacher will be through experience. Go for it.  

Step 3

STOP self-sabotage!

START self-acceptance. 

On March the 1st of, 2019, I jotted two lines in my ruled Journal. Two questions I left with no written answer; I supposed they were questions I considered answering, but it was more of an inward dialogue within myself. “Can I do this? Can I succeed in my gifts, talents, and passion?” My answer today would be yes. There comes a time for us all to show up for ourselves. Your life is perfectly designed for the results you are getting now. And you know what? If you don’t like the results, change your process. Deal with your right-now actions and habits that create problems in your daily life and interfere with your long-standing goals. You cannot make wrong choices and still have the right results. 

Your life is perfectly designed for the results you are getting now.

Become aware of your strengths and weaknesses. Yes, I said weaknesses because it is in these vulnerabilities that God’s strength is realized. (2Corth 12:9). We can redirect our focus from our handicap and begin appreciating the gift of Christ’s strength when we are not strong. Self-acceptance is being glad in yourself despite deficiencies and regardless of past behaviors and choices.

That was a mouth full, but I am confident if you commit yourself to these steps, you will see a change in your life and finally become unstuck!

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